Tuesday, June 9, 2009


In the United States is a very big multicultural society. Interacting among different ethnic groups became more common nowadays. Doing the research and the results I received the population of interracial marriages and partnerships have slowly grown. The reports that did a research had discovered that there were at least 900,000 biracial couples in the United States. These relationships are producing an increasing number of biracial offspring.
A biracial child is operationally defined as one whose biological parents are of different racial groups. For example the children of parents who are African American and Asian, Cuban and European American, Puerto Rican and Native American. During the 1990’s the number of children born from interracial marriages were ranging from 500,000 to 5,000,000.
Doing the research of biracial children is on of the most focus topic. The biracial children that were from African American and European American marriages was the most researched. After reading what some people have studied about this topic made me become more interested about being a biracial child. This is a very good topic I learned a lot from doing this project I am glad I pick this topic to do.


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